Arranging Hajj rituals

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Pilgrimage Islam is based on five decrees: the testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and the establishment of prayer, and the giving of Zakat, and the fast of Ramadan, and the pilgrimage of the House of Allah, And Hajj is imposed on every Muslim capable, and ability means physical and financial ability, and that the pilgrim is safe on his family in his absence, which is a one-time duty on the Muslim, and more than this time he volunteered. Hajj has been imposed since the time of the Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him after he completed the construction of the Kaaba he and his son Ismail peace be upon them according to the command of God. Muslims go to the Sacred House of Allaah on the first day of Dhu'l-Hijjah, so that the stand of Arafah will be on the ninth day, and they will desecrate on the tenth day, and they will kill the camels and the sheep.
 A Muslim can perform Hajj by following the following order:
The Hajj begins with the departure from the house with the structure of Hajj. This is according to the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him ) : "But deeds are by intentions, but every man has what he intended .
The Hajj begins with ihraam at the borders of the meeqaat, and it is to wear a simple dress consisting of two unknotted men's robes, and a woman may wear without adornment or adornment.
The spatial meqat is of a race for the Iraqis, and the Jahfah of the people of the Levant, and the ally of the people of the city, and the horn of the people of Najd, Wilmelm To the people of Yemen, as is stated in the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) : "The time of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) for the people of the city with the ally, for the people of Sham al-Jahfah, for the people of Najd al-Bayt and for the people of Yemen." Other than their parents who wanted the pilgrimage
The intention of the individual Hajj is to initiate repentance, and to refrain from sin, as God said in his dear book: (Alrfith and debauchery and controversy In the Hajj according to the Almighty: (It is imposed the Hajj, there is no heft, no market, no controversy in the Hajj and what do you do of the good of God knows and provide, the best Zaqt piety and be careful, O Olbab) . The direction of Hajj to Mecca after bathing or wudoo '. Enter the Haram and start circling around the Kaaba seven runs, each starting with a black stone and be on the left of the pilgrim, and the pilgrim must receive the black stone every step kissing, or to refer to him from his place if he could not reach. The Taif should avoid harming those who are in the vicinity of the pilgrims by crowding, or paying by hand and the like so as not to detract from its reward. After the tawaaf between Safa and Marwa seven times; and Safa and Marwa are two mountains in Makkah Tsaia Hajar wife of Ibrahim peace be upon him and the mother of Ismail peace be upon them in the famous story in search of water, has been ordered command clear in the total that the Prophet peace be upon him received the kiss in the pursuit, He said as the hadeeth says: "O people, seek! Go to Mina, a place three miles away from Makkah, which is the place thrown by the Jamarat - after the tawaaf of Qadum on the eighth of Dhu'l-Hijjah. (Al-Hajj 'Arafaah). Whoever is aware of the night of' Arafah before the dawn of the night is gathered from the night of the gathering . Going down from Arafa to Muzdalifah - a valley between Arafa and Mena, two miles from Mina in the east - this is on the night of the tenth of Dhu al-Hijjah, and the prayers of Maghrib and 'Isha are collected, and the night is there. Go to Mina on the tenth of Dhu al-Hijjah and throw the Jamarat (Jamra Aqaba). We have sacrificed sacrifice in Mina and shaving the head. Go to Mecca to do the cruise on the tenth of Dhu al-Hijjah after shaving the head, and then return to Mina, as well as the pilgrim may seek between Safa and Marwa if it missed the eighth day of Dhu al-Hijjah. Mina was held on the 11th and 12th of Dhu al-Hijjah, and the three emirates were thrown in order: the first Jamra, the Central Jumra, and Jumra Al-Aqaba, which is located near Al-Khayf Mosque. The pilgrim can return back to Mecca and circumnavigate the Kaaba in what is known as the farewell tawaaf and tarwa from Zamzam water.
Tips for Pilgrims
 It is important for a Muslim to know her during the Hajj, and he must adhere to the following: After the Hajj, the Muslim is free of sins, except for what is associated with the rights of the worshipers, so the Muslim must adhere to the obligations and keep away from sins as long as he can, hoping for a new beginning away from sins. To stay away from taboos during the period of Hajj, because of what is stated in the Holy Quran: "It is obligatory to perform Hajj, so there is no heft, no money, no argument in Hajj ." Avoid harming others, physically and verbally or by compromising their feelings. Avoid the spoils of Hajj, such as grooming, wearing sewn for men, and abuse of animals or birds to catch, or to approach desires, or cover the face of women. References ↑ "Pilgrimage Conditions, Structures and Duties" , Muslim . Acting. ↑ Abdul Mohsen bin Abdullah Al-Zamil, "What is the arrangement of the rituals of Hajj" , the path of Islam . Acting. Narrated by al-Bukhaari, in Sahih al-Bukhaari, on the authority of 'Umar ibn al-Khattab, page or number: 1. ^ AB Surah Al-Baqarah, verse: 197. ↑ Narrated by Muslim, in Sahih Muslim, on the authority of Abdullah bin Abbas, page or number: 1181. ↑ Narrated by al-Dhahabi, in the revision of the investigation, on women from Bani Abd al-Darr, page or number: 2/42. ↑ Narrated by Ibn Hazm, in the hadeeth of farewell, on the authority of 'Abd-al-Rahman ibn Ya`mar al-Dayli, page or number: 176. ↑ Muhammad Al-Saleh Al-Othaimeen,
