Umrah prayer

Umrah prayer O God, I ask you forgiveness and wellness in my religion, my religion, my family and my money. O God, save my nakedness, and secure my flock, O save me from my hands and from my back, and from my right hand, and from the north, and from above me, and I seek refuge in Your greatness, that I may be assassinated from beneath me. Oh God, help me in my body O God in my hearing, O God in my eyes. No god but you. Oh God, I seek refuge in you from infidelity and poverty and from the torment of the grave, there is no god but You. O Allah, You are my Lord, there is no god but You, You created me, and I am Your servant, and I am upon Your covenant and promised you what I could. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done. O Allah, I seek refuge in you from worry and sorrow, and I seek refuge in you from impotence and laziness, from cowardice and cowardice, and I seek refuge in you from the predominance of religion, and the oppression of men. O God, make the first of this day Salah and its middle peasant, and the last success, and ask you the charity of the world and the Hereafter, O mercy of the merciful. Oh God, I ask you satisfaction after the judiciary, and the return of life after death, and the pleasure of looking at your face, and the longing to meet you, not harmful harm, and sedition misguided, and I ask you to darken or darker, or assault or assault me, or gain a sin or a sin not Forgive him. Oh God, I seek refuge in you to return to the old age. Oh God, guide me to the best deeds and ethics do not guide the best but you. . And distract me from bad, do not distract me bad but you. O God, fix my religion, and expand me in my house and bless me in my livelihood. Oh God, I seek refuge in you from cruelty, negligence, humiliation, and affliction, and I seek refuge in you from infidelity, disobedience, discord, reputation and hypocrisy. And I seek refuge in you from the deaf, the dumb, the leprosy, and the wicked. O God, come to my soul, and Zkha, you are better than Zakkha, you and her and her. Oh God, I seek refuge in you from knowledge does not benefit, and the heart does not fall, and the soul is not satisfied, and the invitation does not respond to them. O Allah, I seek refuge in you from the evil of what I have done, and from the evil that I have not done, and I seek refuge in you from the evil of what I have learned, and from evil that I have not known. Oh God, I seek refuge in you from the demise of your grace, and the transformation of your health, and the suddenness of your vengeance, and all your wrath. O God, I seek refuge in you from the destruction and degradation, and from the drowning, burning, and pyramid, and I seek refuge in you from the devil floundering at death, and I seek refuge in you from dying to Dega, and I seek refuge in you from greed that guides me to print.


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